Growth factors (PRP)



Growth factors (PRP)

This technique is based on obtaining growth factors present in the patient’s own plasma, which possess biological activity, for the stimulation and acceleration of tissue regeneration. Its application in aesthetic medicine has the ability to restore the vitality of the skin by increasing hydration, resulting in a greater supply of nutrients to the skin. There is no contraindication, since the product belongs to the patient.

With this techniques we can get:

  • Wrinkle attenuation.
  • Increase in luminosity.
  • Increase in smoothness of the skin.
  • Delaying the appearance of the effect of the aging process.
  • Biostimulation of the treated areas.
  • It is compatible with other aesthetic treatments.
  • Very useful at the hair level, being one of the last treatments to prevent existing hair loss and stimulate the growth of new hair the amount, depending on each particular case.

Es una técnica sencilla, donde solo se necesita extraer una pequeña cantidad de sangre del paciente y extraer el plasma rico en factores de crecimiento posterior a pasar un proceso de centrifugación por personas debidamente entrenadas para esto.

Se puede aplicar tanto en cara, cuello y escote, además del capilar, mediante micro infiltraciones de la zona a tratar, en donde se suele colocar anestésico tópico para evitar las pequeñas molestias que pudieran presentar durante el procedimiento

Actualmente es también una alternativa para las patologías articulares entre las más usadas. Se realiza en rodilla, codo, tobillo, etc siendo una técnica ambulatoria.

Surgical Aesthetic Medicine

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